Peles Empire, ‘Hands On’, with Maria Loboda, Sidney Mueller, Magali Reus, Daniel Sinsel, Phillip Zach

The Moving Museum Istanbul presents the 8th edition of its public programme:

hands on

Maria Loboda

Sidney Mueller

Magali Reus

Daniel Sinsel

Phillip Zach

Peles Empire is a collaborative work by Katharina Stoever and Barbara Wolff founded in 2005 in Frankfurt.
‘Hands on’ is an exhibition with artists invited by the duo and set within an installation depicting the study of the Peles castle.

The Peles is a historicism castle in the foothill of the Carpathian mountains in Romania. The rooms copy or reference different architectural styles reaching from Rococo to Art deco, German Renaissance and rooms with Oriental influences.

Caferiye Han was built in the 19th century in Mercan Istanbul. It has continued to be an active workplace, production studios and storage halls for the ‘makers’ of the city’s traders in apparel, hats, and uniforms. Istanbul’s Han workplace infrastructure mirror’s many of the values sought in the contemporary entrepreneurship cultures of knowledge creation, creative industries and maker’s synergy. The re-thinking of the Han workplace/production sub-culture both allows to intensify the uses of many under utilized buildings in the historic peninsula, but also rehearse ways timeless industry and new economies can co-create and co-flourish in concert.

This city research will observe and document the formal and business changes in Caferiye Han as a variety of studios are let, sub-let and programmed for activities.